Agriculture is where it all began for Aerotech over 50 years ago. We aim to assist farmers to achieve healthy yields for their crops.
Aerotech Helicopters carry out heavy lift aerial crane operations for significant construction projects. These projects use helicopters in the same way as a conventional crane, but offer the following advantages:
- No restrictions on reach distance
- Significantly reduced logistics due to no counterweights, fly jibs and complex lift plans
- Reduced time on site as there is minimal set up and pack down
- Minimised environmental impacts, roads are not required in remote locations
Examples of the work our helicopters have undertaken are:
- Creation of walking/cycling paths in national parks
- Pouring of concrete foundations
- Installing and removing power poles
- Install and removal of ventilation and air conditioning systems
- Transport of buildings
Working with us, clients can be confident that our focus is on safety and efficiency, completing all work to the exacting standards set out in our ISO Quality, Safety & Environment accreditation systems.
A unique Safe Work Method Statement is produced for each job which comprehensively addresses the job requirements, such as:
- Regulatory compliance
- Risk analysis and risk mitigation requirements
- Rigging methods and equipment
- Job checklists
- Safety briefing
- Ground and flight crew roles
- Job schedule and timings
- Specific client requirements